Studies show that men and women are often low on hormones or are not where they should be.
Contrary to popular belief, hormones are essential for a fully functioning, healthy body, especially as we age. Studies have proven that you are protecting your bones, brain, breast, and heart if you optimize your hormones.
What is BioTE®?
BioTE® is a bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for men and women. Pellets are great alternatives to synthetic hormone replacement therapy. Studies have shown that pellets provide symptom relief faster and more successfully than the alternative, artificial methods.
How do the pellets work?
Pellets are placed in your glute, in the fatty tissue beneath the skin. Bullets are better than patches and creams because they are under your skin. Pellets under your skin allow the bio-identical hormones to be distributed through your bloodstream 24/7, as your body needs them.
How long do the pellets last?
Pellets have been known to last between 3-6 months. The life span of your pellets depends on your activity level, stress level, and gender.
I feel like I do need BioTE®. What is next?
It’s as easy as picking up the phone and giving us a call at (720) 279-1164. The first step will be as simple as getting into our office for a blood test. This test would allow us to see where your hormone levels are, allowing us to customize your pellets to get your hormones where they need to be.
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